Mariel Bebillo Pamisa

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Mariel Bebillo Pamisa

(33 Years)

Female | Single | 2 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

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About Me

Hi good day,

This is Mariel Bebillo Pamisa,33 years old single mom with two kids one boy 8years old and 1 girl 10 years old. I was been working in Saudi arabia as oncall cleaner since November 27,2019 to november 27 ,2022 under the almawarid company and i was assign to residential cleaner,my duties and responsibility are cleaning the different houses inside and outside the house like bathroom, kitchen ,rooms,dining area, car washing for ieght hours everyday i will make sure it was deeply cleaned and sanitized. For now i am in the Philippines looking for a job like housekeeping.I am looking forward to hear from you.

Thank you

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