Rechelle Joy Quiming

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Rechelle Joy Quiming

(28 Years)

Female | Married | 1 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Hi first before saying hello 🤗 My name is Rechelle Joy but you can call me Joy for short 😊 I am 28 years old, married, and have 1 kid. I am currently working as a domestic helper here in Hong Kong for almost 2 years. The family I served here are 1 adult and 2 kids.My main duties here is send and pick up the kids to school, bring them to their outdoor activites , washing dishes, cooking, do a laundry, and keep the house clean and tidy . I'm not good in cooking but I am willing to learn. If you will hire me Ma'am/Sir, I will make sure to fulfill all my duties. I will finish my contract on February 2, 2025. I am now looking for a new employer. Thank you and God bless 😇

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