Loren Curato

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Loren Curato

(40 Years)

Female | Single | 3 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Christian

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Hello Sir,/Ma'am I'm looking for full-time job. I'm here at Singapore now.still working..I have three Children there age is 15,12 and 6 they're all girls. My husband died already due to accident. I want to work abroad because the salary it's not enough for me to live my children. to pay the bills. I want to give my children a good future especially and they are girls. I don't want them to be like me that in the hardships of life my parents didn't really do anything for us to study in college. That's why I hope you choose me instead of regretting because I'm hardworking and willing. I don't have a tattoo and I don't drink alcohol or smoke. I don't like cell phones either, I only use them to talk to my family.

il promise to finish my contract

Thanks Sir/Ma'am and God bless 🙏

Work Experience


My Expectations

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