Mechelle Ochia Bebero

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Mechelle Ochia Bebero

(34 Years)

Female | Single | 1 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Good day! to all employer in hong kong I am Mechelle Ochia Bebero from Digos city Davao del sur, I'm 34 years old, I am single with 1 son, my work experience in the Philippines is almost 10 years as a sales attendant , even though my experience is not related in domestic helper but I can do house hold chores like washing cleaning cooking marketing and taking care of pet taking care of my baby , I hope you choose me as a domestic helper I promise you I do my best my duties and responsibilities and I hope u treat me like your family, and I will promise you I will finish my 2 years contract and Im welling to stay here in Hong Kong as long as you want me to stay I hope you choose me mam and sir thank you. My wats app +639851043044

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