Very Active

Dazel Joy


(43 Years)

Female | Single | 1 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Good day Ser/ Madam,

I'm France C Rabano, single mother with one son living in Philippines. I'm ex abroad in Amman,Jordan with one employer in 11 year's of service as Domestic Helper. They are living with ser,madam,3kids and care a pet(dog) . My past employer she said if I'm good to them they are also good to me. Yeah, it's true that they treat me as one of there family too,even i have a problem in hearing( hearing loss in right ear because of accident) I'm blessed and thanksful for them that there was also a good heart or people who accept me for who I am while I'm working for them. I work for them last June 30, 2013 and decided to forgood last May 26, 2024 because of my mother and son but I decided again to go back abroad because it's difficult that I have no work to support for studying of my son in College even he was in under of scholarship it is enough for everyday expenses and i want to buy a new one hearing aid because I loss it. I'm a hardworking, loyal, honest, trustworthy person that my past employer they want me to go back again but I try to apply near here in Philippines even they said that there was a termination I try my best to help your family too and willing to learn what I need to learn. Thank you and Godbless!

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