
Very Active

Dazel Joy


(31 Years)

Female | Single | 4 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Other

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Goodday to all employer's in Hongkong.

I'm Marneli Villanueva Macaranas,31 yrs old ,live in brgy malagasang 1-A Imus city province of cavite ,

I have a live in partner and bless by 4 kids, ages 9,7,4yrs old and 7mos. Old.

We are 5 siblings and I'm the 4th in the family.

I'm a hardworking person verry loyal and honest, to my future employer's I guarantee that I will do my job verry well ,

Thank you so much in advance for choosing me...

Have a nice Day ❤️

Work Experience


My Expectations

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