Female | Single | 1 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic
My name is Necy Deocares I'm 28years old I'm single and I live in Philippines,I'm the youngest in our family,I have a 7years old daughter,I graduated in 4years in college taking up bachelor of elementary education,I have a work experience here in Philippines for 3years,I serve 4 member in the family 2 adults and 2kids my main duties there is taking care kid and tutoring,and also doing household chores like cleaning the house, coking ,washing clothes and sometimes I marketing.So my future employer pls hired me ma'am because I'm honest hard-working,and I follow your rules and regulations,long patience,I hope you choose me thank you see you soon 😊
Philippine, Filipino Family
Duties: Cooking , Housekeeping , Baby Care , Kids Care , Tutoring , Marketing
I don't have a reference letter