
Very Active

Dazel Joy


(40 Years)

Female | Married | 1 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Christian

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Im Cecille Amante.40years old.married.Im bless with 1 child.Im a Caregiver graduate.Im a x abroad in hongkong for almost 6years.My first employer is in sai kung new terretories.I serve 5members in the family.1 elderly.1 couple and 2kids.my second employer is in homantin kowloon.I serve 5 member of the family 1 elderly couple.1couple 1 newborn.my third employer in wong taisin.I serve 4 member in the family 1 couple.1 elderly 1 kids.I my task.to take the kids.the newborn and cooking.marketing.sent and pick up the kids to the school.marketing.cleaning.preparing snacks.cooking for dinner.teaching them homework.and do the house chores.and also to take care the newborn baby.

Work Experience


My Expectations

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