Ranico Cabornay Mata

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Ranico Cabornay Mata

(31 Years)

Male | Single | 2 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Good day! My name is Ranico Cabornay Mata, I am 31 years old and have two daughters, aged 5 and 1 year old. I have worked as a family driver for three years, where my primary responsibility are to drive my employer to their work and the kids to their schools. Also I do household duties, such as cleaning, laundry, cooking Filipino dishes, washing dishes, ironing, watering plants and taking care of their pets.

I manage my time very well and I am hardworking, obedient, and independent, able to work without supervision. Honesty is my best asset, and I always listen to orders very well. Thank you, and have a blessed day ahead! 

Work Experience


My Expectations

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