Female | Single | 1 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Christian
Hello ma'am/sir
I am liezel
I want to work in Hong Kong because employer in Hong Kong give high salary and I want to earn money to support May family here in Philippines
I will work hard and I will follow the rules and regulations of may employers
I am hard working person, polite respectfully, patient of the children and hard working person too
.hopefuly they hired me us a part to your family.i promise i do all may best as a helper to your family and to respect each other love each other.and i know how to taking care of a kid's.cleaning washing clothes and ironing gardening. I don't know how to cook a Chinese food but im willing to learned
Thank you!!! ❤️ Have a nice day!
Philippine, Filipino Family
Duties: Cooking , Housekeeping , Elderly Care , Pet Care
I don't have a reference letter