Marianne Theresse Diero

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Marianne Theresse Diero

(34 Years)

Female | Single | 0 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Hello Im Yanyan, I work in middle east as a nanny but i work as all around in my employer i finished my work there i don't get any recommendation letter cos i didn't got chance to asked them . I was loved and trust by the kids cos i been there support and aunt . I did cook a bit there cos they have person to cook for us . I did groceries and market too .. I do care of pets wash cars , laundry and etc.

I really don't have experiences in cooking but i learn easily and eager to learn new things . I do tutor for small kids .

If you wanna know more about me you can contact me anytime . Thank you

Work Experience


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