Jemmalyn salapungol

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Jemmalyn salapungol

(41 Years)

Female | Single | 2 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Hi mam,I'm jemmalyn salapungol41 yrs.old I have 2 children,I work for hk year 2016-2021 finished contractvin my 1st employer for 4yeras mam,I take 4adult and 1small dog,I do cooking,cleaning washing,market,and I want to work again mam for helping my children needs in school mam,we don't have enough money to their collage thatswhy I need to work mam,and I want to have our own house too.and to help my parents and my husband,I hope you understand me mam,,iam willing to learn more if ever

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