Liezle Azcueta Sesuca

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Liezle Azcueta Sesuca

(24 Years)

Female | Single | 0 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

My name is Liezle Azcueta Sesuca, Single. My father's name is Ely Sesuca and my mother's name is Marcelina Sesuca. I have 4 sisters and and I am 5'th in the family. I wm Catholic. I live in Dardarat Cabugao Ilocos Sur. I am a High School Graduate.

I work as Domestic Helper here in the Philippines for 4 years. I serve 5 members of the Family 2 adults 3 childrens.

My duties are: Taking care of the Children, cooking foods, Cleaning the house, laundry, ironing, washing dishes.

To all prospective employers in Hong Kong, please choose me as your domestic helper i promise that, I will do my duties and responsibilities. I also follow your rules and regulations. Thank you and God bless!

Work Experience


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