
Very Active

Dazel Joy


(34 Years)

Female | Married | 2 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Christian

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

My name is karen Lou S.Bag-ao 34 years old married with 2 kids ages 11 y.o and 9 y o.I am currently working as a nursing assistant in one of the hospital here in my country..I also have experience as a domestic helper in kuwait for 4 years 2 employers both are finished contract.My 1st emplyer i served 2 adults 1 kid and a newborn baby.My main duties are taking good care od the baby,feed them up,dressed them up and bring the eldest to school.Aside from being a nanny i can also do cleaning,washing of clothes,ironing,marketing,car washing and cooked simple dishes.My 2nd employer i served 4 adults.My main duties are cleaning,cooking,washing clothes,ironing,car washing,marketing.Thank you

Work Experience


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