Female | Married | 3 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic
Hi to all employers I'm Mary Grace daliva, I'm 34years old, & I have 3 daughters. I have working experience for 5years in Malaysia and my duties to take care my employer 2 children, cooking, cleaning, send the kids in school, marketing, take care the dog.
My second employer in Singapore they are 5member, 2adults & 3kids. My duties to take care the kids, cooking, cleaning, marketing and baking.
My 3rd employer in Hongkong I work for them for 1year, 4member 2adult &2kids. My duties to cleaning, house keeping cooking, marketing, iron.
Philippine, Filipino Family
Duties: Cooking , Housekeeping , Baby Care , Kids Care , Pet Care , Tutoring , Marketing
I don't have a reference letter