Nicky Joy P.Langilao

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Nicky Joy P.Langilao

(30 Years)

Female | Single | 1 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Hi I'm Nicky Joy P.Langilao 30years old and have 1kid.Im working in Hongkong for almost 5years with 2 different employer. My first employer I serve 4adult's and taking care of 3cat's.My duties is taking care of the 3 cat's, cooking,household chores,marketing.And I finish my contract to my first employer.

My second employer I serve 2adult's,2kids aged 4years old and 9years old, and 1grandma, and 1 cat. My duties is taking care of the kids, taking care of the 1 cat, cooking, cleaning,other household works.Grandma are the one who do the groceries and market everyday.I terminate my contract because due to personal reason that I need to go back in the Philippines.

Im willing to learn new things and other opportunity given to me.Im hoping to find a new employer and Im available anytime for interview.You can contact me on my whatsapp number +852 97404055. Thank you so much.

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