Jaciel Unday

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Jaciel Unday

(38 Years)

Female | Married | 2 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

I am jaciel unday 37 yrs old I have 2 sons 16 and 13 yrs old boys. I worked for my first employer, they were only three family members, one child 3 yrs old, I worked with him for eight years finished contract, The reason they dont need me is that his son is already studying in the UK. The second one is that I broke the contract for 1 month. They are 4 members in the family, 2 children 7yrs old girl and 9 yrs old boy. In the third employer they are 3 members in the family but I only serve the father and daughter only , his son is rarely in HK because he is studying abroad. I was only with them for 10 months, They terminated my contract on January 04 because my boss' daughter will be studying abroad.they don't need helper now.

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