Brenda Sagadraca

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Brenda Sagadraca

(31 Years)

Female | Single | 0 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Hello , my name is Brenda Sagadraca,I am from in Philippines.I am 31 years old,i am single, we are 8 of our families i’m the youngest.My birthday is on November 22,1993.I work in hongkong since april 2017 up to presence.I'm finish contract to my 1st employer was april 2017-2019 ,and 6yrs to my current employer ,the reason why they will not renew me the kids of my employer is bigger already.I am doing cooking,household chores ,ironing,marketing,taking care kid,and car wash ,I am kind,honest,trustworthy and hardworking.

Work Experience


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