jenifer calimag marcos

Very Active

Dazel Joy

jenifer calimag marcos

(28 Years)

Male | Married | 3 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

My name is Jenifer, and I am 28 years old. I have worked in Hong Kong for 1 year with my current employer. My household responsibilities include cleaning, caring for a newborn baby, and looking after a toddler. I visit the market every day and prepare dinner for my employer, specializing in Chinese and Western cuisine. Additionally, I wash the car once a month. I also take the toddler to school and pick her up afterward. I've broken my contract, and my last working day is on February 7, 2025. I am looking for a new employer. Being a fast learner, I enjoy reading books to children, singing songs for them, and playing games. I hope you consider hiring me as your helper. Thank you!

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