Janelle Dioleste Arances

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Janelle Dioleste Arances

(26 Years)

Female | Married | 1 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Other

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

I'm Janelle Dioleste Arances 26 years old,married and i live in Philippines,i have 1 son he's coming 4 years old.i am a high school graduate. I have work experience as a domestic helper in hongkong from November 03,2023 to December 13,2023 . Unfortunately, i had to return home due to unforeseen circumstances:the passing of my beloved grandmother and also my Son experience asthma illness that time. But now ? I'am determine to work abroad again with 100% commitment. I'am a hardworking and reliable individual, capable of handling any various household task. Thank you.

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