maricar s. roque

Very Active

Dazel Joy

maricar s. roque

(43 Years)

Male | Married | 2 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

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Skills / Duties

About Me

im maricar s. roque from the philippines, im 43 years old and happily merried with 2 kids. i have two job expirience in two different country first in jordan i work there for 2 years and 3 months since 2006 to 2009, i do household chores and takecare of their 3 kids aged 2, 5, and 8 years old, cause of leaving them is finish contract.

2nd is in taiwan, i work there for 15 years, i do household chores but my main duties is to takecare of a grandmother age 83 years old until she passed away at age of 98 years old. cause of leaving theme is finish contract.

to all the employer, if you hired me im willing to learn more and im a fast learner, and i will do my best to fullfill all my duties and responsibilty. thankyou have a geart day to all of you.

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