Kristine Kareen Martinez Panuncio

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Kristine Kareen Martinez Panuncio

(27 Years)

Female | Married | 4 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

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About Me

Hello Mam and Sir, my Name is: Kristine Kareen Martinez Panuncio, I'm 28 yrs old, i came from Philippines, i have a 4 kids 2-boys 6-4 yrs old and i have a daughter 2- 11-8 yrs old i been married for 9yrs. I am qualified to domestic helper because i have experience here in Philippines for 3yrs my responsibilities is i always make the clean the house, cooking, marketing, gardening, pet care, washing, wash the clothes, ironing, and always make fix the kitchen, clean the bathroom, marketing, wash the car, and also I know how to drive a motorcycle, taking care of baby, taking care of Children, taking care of kids, like my own child, because i really love the baby, Children and teens like my own child, i have a big and goo heart, good attitude, patience, love, loyal, trustworthy, and hard work person, and that's all thank you..

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