Locelle Juanico

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Locelle Juanico

(34 Years)

Female | Married | 3 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Christian

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Hello Maam/Sir,

Good Day,

Thank You for your time reading my Personal information,I want to work Again to support my Family. I want to pursue my dreams to have atleast have a decent Home for my kids without even worrying in times we're having a bad weather here in Philippines. I also want them to finish their studies since they were so good in school. I want the best for my kids. I also treat your kids if you have as my own children. Regarding in cooking I also knew filipino dishes but I'm willing to learn what dishes you may like.

Have a Blessed Day.. 🙂

Hoping to work with your family soon...

Locelle Juanico

Work Experience


My Expectations

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