Charmaigne Morallo

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Charmaigne Morallo

(32 Years)

Female | Married | 4 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

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About Me

Good day 2 all employer in hongkong

My name is charmaigne morallo 32 yrs old from philippines I have 3yrs expectations as a household worker her in our country I serve 5fam member including 1couple 2children and 1 elderly my main duties are taking good care of the children and the elderly he is a half stroke patient i ned to make sure that he take his maintenance med.while doing all d household chores like cooking,cleaning the house,washing dishes,laundryng,ironing,carwashing and feeding their pets.I am very cheap in using resources like electricity n water supply and I luv cooking willing to learn new dishes from ur country..I am excellent n taking good care of children,elderly n new born babies.. I am a hardworking person ,reliable,responsble and trustworthy..To my future employer pls choose m as ur new helper I will treat your family as my own n promise to give 2 or more yrs.of good service that u and your family can depend on.. Thank u

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