Nancy Collados

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Nancy Collados

(35 Years)

Female | Married | 3 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Christian

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Nancy D. Collados - DOMESTIC HELPER


Contact no:09480078226

Whatsapp no:09480078226

Gmail :


High School Graduate

Vocational Graduate - Graphic Design

College Undergraduate- Diploma in Information Technology


15 years of experience as a full-time mom

A mother of three children..

Cooking, laundering, housekeeping,etc.

I am applying for the job that was advertised because I need a new job as a Domestic Helper and I think I can do the tasks that are needed for this job. I am looking for a job that pays well and where I can work for a long time. I am available to start whenever you need me to start, and I am okay with doing whatever chores are needed around the house. I am an enthusiastic, self -motivated, reliable, responsible, trustworthy, and hard working person.

Work Experience


My Expectations

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