Zoida Bacunawa

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Zoida Bacunawa

(46 Years)

Female | Single | 2 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me


Address:lot 6 block 1 Mayon street Country homes Putatan

Muntinlupa City

Phone: +639365852458

Email: zoidameamo78@gmail.com


Responsible Nanny and Housekeeper, providing a 7 years of professional childcare experience and housekeeping. Enjoys working with children and committed to promoting children’s physical mental,and emotional development in partnership with To.With my consistent experience in childcare and housekeeping. I’m looking for a challenging role,where my skills and acknowledge for this.can be utilized to the fullest and can be able to serve the people.

Nanny Skills

. Excellent in interpersonal communication.

. Good skills of handling and caring for kids in CTthe absence of their parents.

. Ability to monitor, control and manage the kids effectively.

. Skilled changing diapers and feeding children through bottles

. Ability to keep calm and take best actions in terms of emergency.

. Following parents instructional and performing housekeeping duties likewise.

.Good and keeping the children engaged by caring with them and educating them.

. Playful attitude and good sense of humor.

. Mental frame to stay calm even in times of medical emergencies.

Work Experience

Ashraf Farook

Sharjah United Arab Emirates


Children age 2yrs oldboy &3 mons.old girl

Oct.2014- 2016

. Provide childcare for children ranging for from new born to 7 years old

.Perform housework related to childcare such as laundry, cleaning up after meals, tidying play areas and assisting with bathing.

. Transport children to and from the school and other events with care and public transportation.

. Cook healthy, well-balanced meals for children.

.Tutor children in school work.

.Meet parents weekly to discuss children behavior,plans for the next week and potential cases of discipline as well as schedule for the child.

Ezgi Nelofer Aktan

Kasiyaka izmir Turkey


Chicken age 6& 3 years old 2 boys

December 2019 to July 29,2024

.Helped develop the family’s schedule to maintain household order.

.Engaged and after school activities including sports practice and homework.

.Made healthy snacks and meals for children.

.Encourage to be understanding of and patient with others.

.Closely monitored children’s play activities to verify safety.

. Communicated with parents about daily activities.

.Helped children complete homework assignments and school projects.

.Managed Household staff while parents we’re away.

.Promoted language development skills through reading and sstorytelling.

Personal Details

Nationality: Filipino

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 20 November 1978

Languages: English, Filipino,

Highest Educational Attainment Bachelor in Secondary Education(undergrad)2011-2012 College undergraduate

High School Graduate

Quezon Roxas High School 1997

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief

Zoida M. Bacunawa

Work Experience


My Expectations

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