Salvacion Camacho Tasarra

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Salvacion Camacho Tasarra

(44 Years)

Female | Single | 0 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Good day ma'am and sir..I'm Salvacion Camacho Tasarra,44yrs old, single,from the Philippines..My experience as a domestic Helper is 5 years..2 years in Singapore (main job is look after my Mam she's healthy)..can cook simple Chinese food and willing to learn from my future the households, gardening,car second experience is at Hongkong..3 years in one employer (have a reference letter)..main job is taking care of children ages 5(send and pick him,play with him,feed him,etc) and 11,do the house hold chores,can cook simple Chinese food and willing to learn..Thank you sir and Mam.

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