Female | Married | 2 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic
ma.katrina aguinaldo
42 years old
2 daughters..16 years old and 22 yrs.old.
presently working here in abu dhabi United Arab Emirates from january 2022 and will finished on December 28,2024
i am a hardworking mom and always eager to learn
i worked in saudi arabia in 2017 but my employer went for relocation that is why i went home 2018 staying 14 months with them
now presently working here in Abu Dhabi as Domestic helper in one family..
if u will choose me to be your employee i will not promise anything but instead i will do my best to do my responsibilities and duties to your family and im willing to learn what i dont know yet....thank u so much and may The Lord bless ur Family circle
Philippine, Filipino Family
Duties: Housekeeping , Kids Care
I don't have a reference letter