Mayumi O. Lucenio

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Dazel Joy

Mayumi O. Lucenio

(31 Years)

Female | Married | 2 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

My Name is Mayumi Lucenio 31 years old married. My husband name is Joemar Lucenio 34 years old. We have 2 children 1 boy and 1 girl. My father's name is Nilo Oloya and my mother's name is Filadelfa Oloya. I am a Catholic and live in Carmona Cavite Philippines. I am College undergraduate I took up Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.

I work as domestic helper here in Philippines for 2 years. I serve 5 members of family 2 adults,2 children and 1 newborn baby.

My duties are taking care of newborn baby,taking care of children ,laundry,ironing,car washing,cooking foods,cleaning the house.

To all prospective employers in Hong Kong ,please choose me as tour domestic helper I promise that, I will do my duties and responsibilities. I will also follow your rules and regulations .

Thank you and Godbless!

Work Experience


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