Wilma Asuncion Delen

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Wilma Asuncion Delen

(34 Years)

Female | Married | 2 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

I'm wilma delen 34 years of age born on March 24,1990 under the Aries zodiac sign and I born on year of the horse.I am married and have 2 kids ages 11 and 9 years old.I am a person who's easy to adapt in a new environment and willing to learn new things.Im a independent person can work without the supervision.I love cooking and also playing with kids.my main duty in my previous employer is taking care the children ages 10 and 14 years old,coocking,cleaning the house,washing and also going to market.If you given me a chance to become your helper I will do my best to performed very well my task.thank you and godbless us all

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