Hanette basitao

Very Active

Dazel Joy

Hanette basitao

(29 Years)

Female | Single | 2 Kids | Philippine, Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

Name: Hanette Basitao

Address: Cagayan Valley, Philippines


E-mail Address:hanettebasitao4@gmail.com

Date of Birth :Feb.18,1995

Age:29 years old

Civil Status: Single with live in partner

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Spouse:Jonel Batac

Name of Children:Humpher John and Hanna Mae

Father's Name:Fidel Basitao

Mother's Name:Rita Basitao

Parent's Address: Cagayan Valley, Philippines

Language/Dialect spoken & written: Tagalog, Arabic, Englisrah

EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: high school graduate


I have work experience in United Arab Emirates for six years in one employer.I serve 5 members of their family, two adults and 3 kids, ages from 0 to 7 years old.


My main duties and responsibilities are cleaning the house, washing the clothes, washing the dishes, ironing, marketing, gardening and feeding the pets like cats and birds, and taking care of the children and taking good care of newborn baby including giving milk on time,changing diapers, bathing, dressing and put the baby to bed on time, giving vitamin and medicine if needed,to the young children preparing their foods,feed them, assist them to take a bath, play with them, teaching them for basic learning like alphabets, colours and numbers, preparing their needs before going to school, sending and picking them up at school,I don't know how to cook Chinese food but I'm willing to learn everything that I didn't know yet..

To my future employer please choose me as your helper because I'm responsible, hardworking ,trustworthy, honest, obedient, loving,caring and I have long patience especially for elderly and children and I promise you to do my best and to do my duties and responsibilities that I can and I will follow your rules and regulations..

Thank you and God bless...

Work Experience


My Expectations

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